Legal Mentions

Legal mentions

By using this website, users accept these general conditions of use and legal notices. These conditions of use can be altered at any time. As soon as they are online, these alterations are considered accepted and agreed by all the users using this website.
Users should recognize especially that all elements within this website, are legally protected, and the user is not allowed to extract, reuse, stock, reproduce, represent or keep, directly or indirectly, on any support, by any way and under any form, all or part of this website ( see details on part 4 – conditions of use ).
Any disagreement between AIRSPORT and the User related to the website use, in the absence of a mutually acceptable agreement, will be left to the competence of the commercial court of Paris.
1- Person in charge for publishing 
Delphine Comelli and Jean Pedro Justinien
36 rue Delambre 75014 PARIS
Immatriculation au RCS: numéro 820 003 226 R.C.S. Paris
Siret number: 003 226 00017
2- Website host:
4416 Louis-B.-Mayer
Laval, Québec
3 – Credits:
Web design and ergonomic:
Pictures credit: all pictures in this website are free of rights (i.e. under license creative Commons), belong to AIRSPORT or have been given by its providers in order to illustrate their products. Products sold by AIRSPORT.
Pictograms : Creative Commons by
4 – Conditions of use:
All contents available on the website:  www.airsport – (more specifically text images pictures and more generally all types of data) are under French and international Legislation for copyrights and intellectual property and are protected by the property intellectual code in force in France. All documents iconographical and Photographic are all rights reserved.
All use or any copywriting, total or partial of this website, by any process, is strictly prohibited without previous written authorization from AIRSPORT, and  will be considered as a forgery punished by the articles L 355-2 and followings of the intellectual property code.
5 – Database, E-TRADE and external link:
AIRSPORT holds all rights recognized by the intellectual property code of database, according to the articles L 341-1 and followings of the intellectual property code.
AIRSPORT do not share any personal information, obtained from a users contact or purchase with third parties.
The subscription to AIRSPORT newsletter can be cancelled at any time by simply click here.
For general conditions of sale, please go to next section.
AIRSPORT decline any responsibility regarding links from external websites  and retain the right to refute this connection.
6 – Data protection:
I.T. law and freedom
This website has been declared to the CNIL.
In application of the law number 78–17 from 6 January 1978 related to I.T., files and liberty, each user has opposition rights ( article 38 of the law), access (article 39, 41 and 42 of the law) and correction (article 40 of the law) of Data related to it. That way, it can require that all information which are not exact, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date or which collect or use communication or conservation are forbidden, have to be corrected completed clarified brought to light or erased.
Each user can use these rights at any time by simply send an email to AIRSPORT.
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Mentions légalesCVG  |  Politique de confidentialité